A VIP service for esteemed merchants, FDS facilitates instant conversion of any amount of digital currency to desired banknotes at their place of residence. Users can complete the FDS request in the CryptopiaPay system and receive any amount of their digital assets in cash at the time and place of their choice through our specialized FDS service, ensuring guaranteed security.

Users who require cash for any reason can avail themselves of our VIP service called FDS (Fiat Delivery Service). To utilize this service, follow these steps:

Complete your membership in CryptopiaBit and CryptopiaPay exchange and finish your authentication process.

In the CryptopiaPay section, select the FDS service and enter your transaction number.

Specify the time and location for receiving the money, allowing the FDS special service to deliver the cash to you in the most luxurious way possible.

If you are a member of the customer club and possess a card, you will receive your payment promptly.

There are no limits on the amount you can receive in cash.

We have addressed all the legal issues associated with this payment method.

It's important to note that FDS service users must be members of the CryptopiaPay system to utilize this convenient and secure service.